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FHE.org conference 2022 — Call for Presentations

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The 1st Annual FHE.org Conference on Fully Homomorphic Encryption. It is affiliated with EUROCRYPT 2022 and will be held in Trondheim (Norway) on May 29, 2022.

Motivation and scope

First envisioned in the late seventies, the first realization for fully homomorphic encryption only came three decades later. Fully homomorphic encryption has since been an active research topic. The FHE.org conference aims at being the premier forum gathering researchers, technologists and practitioners working on the design, development, deployment, validation, and applications of fully homomorphic encryption.

The program committee is seeking original contributions on all aspects of fully homomorphic encryption. Submissions across a broad range of the development phases are encouraged, from exploratory research and proof-of-concept studies to practical applications and deployment of fully homomorphic encryption and related technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Call for contributed talks, posters, and demos

Authors are invited to submit proposals for presentation (PDF format) using the submission form. Submissions must be written in English and should be in the form of an extended abstract of 2 to 4 pages (not including references). Authors can also submit proposals for posters or demos; this should be clearly indicated in the submission. All submissions will be refereed by the program committee. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the contribution.

The final program will consist of both invited talks and contributed talks. It will also feature a poster session and demos. There are no published proceedings at FHE.org. This means that both invited and contributed talks may appear at another conference that has proceedings. Authors of accepted abstracts can choose to have a link to a preprint on the conference webpage.

Important dates