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FHE.org conference 2022 - Resources from the conference


Session Topic Presenters/Authors Resources
FINAL: Faster FHE instantiated with NTRU and LWE Charlotte Bonte (Intel Labs), Ilia Iliashenko (CipherMode Labs & KU Leuven), Jeongeun Park (KU Leuven), Hilder V. L. Pereira (KU Leuven), and Nigel P. Smart (KU Leuven & Zama) Slides
Optical computing and the future of FHE Joseph Wilson (Optalysys) and Florent Michel (Optalysys) Slides
Privacy preserving collection of data for investigation Jung Hee Cheon (Seoul National University), Eungyu Jang (Seoul National University), Wootae Kim (Seoul National University), Eunbin Lee (Changwon District Court, Korea), and Sangwon Lee (Seoul National University) Slides
Pasta: A case for hybrid homomorphic encryption Christoph Dobraunig (Lamarr Security Research), Lorenzo Grassi (Radboud University), Lukas Helminger (TU Graz & Know-Center GmbH), Christian Rechberger (TU Graz), Markus Schofnegger (TU Graz), and Roman Walch (TU Graz & Know-Center GmbH) Slides
HECO: Automatic code optimizations for efficient fully homomorphic encryption Alexander Viand (ETH Zurich), Patrick Jattke (ETH Zurich), Miro Haller (ETH Zurich), and Anwar Hithnawi (ETH Zurich) Slides
Encrypted multinomial logistic regression training with softmax approximation Seewoo Lee (CryptoLab), Garam Lee (CryptoLab), Jung Hee Cheon (CryptoLab & Seoul National University), and Junbum Shin (CryptoLab) Slides
FHE.org competition announcement Pascal Paillier Slides
Unexpected applications of FHE Chris Peikert (Algorand & U. Michigan) Video
BASALISC: Flexible asynchronous hardware accelerator for fully homomorphic encryption Robin Geelen (KU Leuven), Hilder Vitor Lima Pereira (KU Leuven), Michiel Van Beirendonck (KU Leuven), Ingrid Verbauwhede (KU Leuven), Frederik Vercauteren (KU Leuven), David W. Archer (Galois), Brian Huffman (Galois), Georgios Dimou (Niobium Microelectronics), Tynan McAuley (Niobium Microelectronics), Ben Selfridge (Galois), Daniel Wagner (Galois), and Jason Graalum (Niobium Microelectronics) Slides
Hybrid attacks on LWE and the lattice estimator Martin Albrecht (Royal Holloway, University of London), Benjamin R. Curtis (Zama), and Michael Walter (Zama) Slides
Achievable CCA2 relaxation for homomorphic encryption Adi Akavia (University of Haifa), Craig Gentry (Algorand Foundation), Shai Halevi (Algorand Foundation), and Margarita Vald (Intuit Inc.) Slides
Towards a correct-by-construction FHE model Zhenkun Yang (Intel Labs), Wen Wang (Intel Labs), Jeremy Casas (Intel Labs), Pasquale Cocchini (Intel Labs), and Jin Yang (Intel Labs) Video
Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Definitional issues and open problems Daniele Micciancio (UCSD) Video


Poster Topic Presenters/Authors Resources
Fast, easy, and accessible FHE with Concrete and specialized accelerators Florent Michel (Optalysys), Thomas De Cnudde (Zama), and Agnès Leroy (Zama) View
An efficient and precise min/argmin FHE operator Martin Zuber (CEA) and Olive Chakraborty (CEA) View
Compact storage for homomorphic encryption Adi Akavia (University of Haifa), Neta Oren (University of Haifa), Boaz Sapir (Intuit Inc.), and Margarita Vald (Intuit Inc.) View
Concrete ML: A data-scientist-friendly toolkit for machine learning over encrypted data Benoît Chevallier-Mames (Zama), Jordan Fréry (Zama), Arthur Meyre (Zama), and Andrei Stoian (Zama) View
HE-MAN - Homomorphically Encrypted MAchine learning with oNnx models Martin Nocker (MCI Management Center Innsbruck), David Drexel (MCI Management Center Innsbruck), Michael Rader (Fraunhofer Austria), Alessio Montuoro (SCCH Software Competence Center Hagenberg), Simon Pfeifhofer (Tributech Solutions GmbH), and Pascal Schöttle (MCI Management Center Innsbruck) View
Medha: Microcoded hardware accelerator for computing on encrypted data Ahmet Can Mert (TU Graz), Aikata Aikata (TU Graz), Sunmin Kwon (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology), Youngsam Shin (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology), Donghoon Yoo (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology), and Sujoy Sinha Roy (TU Graz) View
Blockchain applications with maximal privacy guarantees from threshold FHE Wei Dai (Bain Capital Crypto) View
Efficient privacy-preserving viral strain classification via k-mer signatures and FHE Adi Akavia (University of Haifa), Ben Galili (Technion), Hayim Shaul (IBM Research), Mor Weiss (Bar-Ilan University), and Zohar Yakhini (Reichman University & Technion) View
Efficient privacy preserving tools based on homomorphic encryption Kelong Cong (KU Leuven), Debajyoti Das (KU Leuven), Jeongeun Park (KU Leuven), and Hilder Vitor Lima Pereira (KU Leuven) View
The Swiss army knife of TFHE functional bootstrapping Pierre-Emmanuel Clet (CEA), Martin Zuber (CEA), Aymen Boudguiga (CEA), Renaud Sirdey (CEA), and Cédric Gouy-Pailler (CEA) View
Performance of hierarchical transforms in homomorphic encryption: A case study on logistic regression inference Pedro G. M. R. Alves (Zama), Jheyne N. Ortiz (Unicamp), and Diego F. Aranha (Aarhus University) View
Secure machine learning by means of homomorphic encryption and verifiable computing Abbass Madi (CEA), Oana Stan (CEA), and Renaud Sirdey View
Faster evaluation of AES using TFHE Roy Stracovsky (University of Waterloo), Rasoul Akhavan Mahdavi (University of Waterloo), and Florian Kerschbaum (University of Waterloo) View
Finding and evaluating parameters for BGV Johannes Mono (Ruhr University Bochum), Chiara Marcolla (Technology Innovation Institute), Georg Land (Ruhr University Bochum & DFKI GmbH), Tim Güneysu (Ruhr University Bochum & DFKI GmbH), and Najwa Aaraj (Technology Innovation Institute) View
Hitchhiker's guide to a practical automated TFHE parameter setup for custom applications Jakub Klemsa (Eurecom) View