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Time | Session Topic | Presenters/Authors/Description |
8.45am - 9.00am | Welcome session | Ben Curtis (General Chair), Jung Hee Cheon & Mehdi Tibouchi (Program Chairs) |
9.00am - 9.50am | Poster Session + Networking | List of accepted posters can be found below |
9.50am - 10.10am | Accelerating HE Operations from Key Decomposition Technique | Miran Kim (Hanyang University), Dongwon Lee (Seoul National University), Jinyeong Seo (Seoul National University), Yongsoo Song (Seoul National University) |
10.15am - 10.40am | On Polynomial Functions Modulo p^e and Faster Bootstrapping for Homomorphic Encryption | Robin Geelen (KU Leuven), Ilia Iliashenko (CipherMode Labs), Jiayi Kang (KU Leuven), Frederik Vercauteren (KU Leuven) |
10.40am - 11.15am | Coffee Break | Enjoy a coffee or beverage with the community ☕ 🍵 |
11.15am - 11.40am | On NTRU-v-um Modulo X^N − 1 | Marc Joye (Zama) |
11.40am - 12.05pm | Optimisations and Trade-offs for HElib | Anamaria Costache (NTNU), Lea Nürnberger (NTNU), Rachel Player (RHUL) |
12.05pm - 12.45pm | Invited Talk: Computation models for FHE: Mixing integer, boolean and floating point operations. Applications to TFHE and Chimera | Nicolas Gama (SandboxAQ), Mariya Georgieva (Inpher) |
12.45pm - 2.00pm | Lunch Break | Enjoy a provided nutritious and delicious lunch 🍽️ |
2.00pm - 2.20pm | Invited Talk: Bringing FHE to production: Lessons learned at Google | Miguel Guevara (Google) |
2.20pm - 2.45pm | Parameter Optimization and Larger Precision for TFHE | Loris Bergerat (Zama), Anas Boudi (Zama), Quentin Bourgerie (Zama), Ilaria Chillotti (Zama), Damien Ligier (Zama), Jean-Baptiste Orfila (Zama), Samuel Tap (Zama) |
2.45pm - 3.10pm | FPT: a Fixed-Point Accelerator for Torus Fully Homomorphic Encryption | Michiel Van Beirendonck (KU Leuven), Jan-Pieter D'Anvers (KU Leuven), Ingrid Verbauwhede (KU Leuven) |
3.10pm - 3.45pm | Coffee Break | Enjoy a coffee or beverage with the community ☕ 🍵 |
3.45pm - 4.10pm | Advances on Homomorphic Encryption for Multiple Parties | Taechan Kim (Samsung Research), Hyesun Kwak (Seoul National University), Dongwon Lee (Seoul National University), Jinyeong Seo (Seoul National University), Yongsoo Song (Seoul National University) |
4.10pm - 4.35pm | Verifiable Fully Homomorphic Encryption | Alexander Viand (ETH Zurich), Christian Knabenhans (ETH Zurich), Anwar Hithnawi (ETH Zurich) |
4.35pm - 5.20pm | Invited Talk: Recent Advances in Homomorphic Compilation | Pascal Paillier (Zama) |
5.20pm - 5.30pm | Closing Remarks | Ben Curtis (General Chair) |
5.30pm - 9.00pm | FHE.org Conference Party | Come join the community for an after party on site! 🍻 |
Poster | Presenters |
Towards Mixed Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption | Thomas Schneider (TU Darmstadt), Hossein Yalame (TU Darmstadt), Michael Yonli (TU Darmstadt) |
An Optical Hardware Accelerator for FHE | Florent Michel (Optalysys), Joseph Wilson (Optalysys), Imon Kundu (Optalysys), Nick New (Optalysys) |
Private Smart Contracts Using Homomorphic Encryption | Morten Dahl (Zama), Levent Demir (Zama), Louis Tremblay Thibault (Zama) |
Towards Practical Multi-key TFHE: Parallelizable, Key-Compatible, Quasi-linear Complexity | Hyesun Kwak (Seoul National University), Seonhong Min (Seoul National University), Yongsoo Song (Seoul National University) |
Finding and Evaluating Parameters for the FV Scheme Using Average-Case Analysis | Beatrice Biasioli (TII), Chiara Marcolla (TII), Marco Calderini (University of Trento), Johannes Mono (Ruhr University Bochum and DFKI GmbH) |
A Unified Framework of Homomorphic Encryption for Multiple Parties with Non-Interactive Setup | Hyesun Kwak (Seoul National University), Dongwon Lee (Seoul National University), Yongsoo Song (Seoul National University), Sameer Wagh (Devron) |
Panacea: Non-interactive and Stateless Oblivious RAM | Kelong Cong (KU Leuven), Debajyoti Das (KU Leuven), Georgio Nicolas (KU Leuven), Jeongeun Park (KU Leuven) |
Hardware Acceleration for Third-Generation Fully Homomorphic Encryption | Jonas Bertels (KU Leuven), Michiel Van Beirendonck (KU Leuven), Furkan Turan (KU Leuven), Wouter Legiest (KU Leuven), Jan-Pieter D'Anvers (KU Leuven), Ingrid Verbauwhede (KU Leuven) |
HE Is All You Need: Compressing FHE Ciphertexts Using Additive HE | Rasoul Akhavan Mahdavi (University of Waterloo), Abdulrahman Diaa (University of Waterloo), Florian Kerschbaum (University of Waterloo) |
Functional Bootstrapping over Multiple Inputs | Pierre-Emmanuel Clet (CEA), Aymen Boudguiga (CEA), Renaud Sirdey (CEA) |
HLG: A Framework For Computing Graphs In RNS And Its Application In FHE | Shuang Wu (Huawei International), Chunhuan Zhao (Huawei Technologies), Ye Yuan (Huawei International), Shuzhou Sun (Huawei Technologies), Jie Li (Huawei Technologies), Yamin Liu (Huawei International) |
A Fast Convolution Algorithm for Accelerating Encrypted Domain Model Inference | Huan-Chih Wang (National Taiwan University), Ja-Ling Wu (National Taiwan University) |
Fully Homomorphic Encryption for User Privacy and Model Intellectual Property Protection | Roman Bredehoft (Zama), Benoit Chevallier-Mames (Zama), Jordan Frery (Zama), Celia Kherfallah (Zama), Luis Montero (Zama), Andrei Stoian (Zama) |
Circuit Privacy for FHEW/TFHE-Style Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Practice | Kamil Kluczniak (CISPA) |
Efficient TFHE Bootstrapping in the Multiparty Setting | Jeongeun Park (KU Leuven), Sergi Rovira (WiSeCom, UPF) |
A Systematisation of Noise Analysis literature for CKKS | Erin Hales (RHUL), Tabitha Ogilvie (Intel Labs) |