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FHE.org conference 2025 - Program

March 25, 2025

Time Session Topic Authors
8:30 AM Registration & Morning Refreshments 🥐
9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:05 AM Session I: Contributed Talks and Posters
9:05 AM Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Cyclotomic Prime Moduli Robin Geelen and Frederik Vercauteren
9:30 AM Reducing Encrypted Matrix Multiplication to Plaintext Matrix Multiplication Craig Gentry
9:55 AM Poster Session
10:55 AM Morning Break ☕️
11:20 AM Session II: Contributed Talks
11:20 AM OpenFHE: Open-Source Fully Homomorphic Encryption Library Yuriy Polyakov and Kurt Rohloff
11:45 AM Updates on the HEIR compiler project Jeremy Kun
12:10 PM Precision Tools for FHE Parameter Selection Beatrice Biasioli, Elena Kirshanova, Chiara Marcolla, and Sergi Rovira
12:35 PM Buffet Lunch 🍴
1:35 PM Session III: Contributed Talks
1:35 PM FHE Deployment Challenges for Secure Cloud Computing Flavio Bergamaschi, Anamaria Costache, Tikaram Sanyashi, and Alexander Viand
2:00 PM Privacy-Preserving Collision-Risk Assessment for LEO Satellites Svenja Lage, Felicitas Hoermann, Felix Hanke, and Michael Karl
2:25 PM Compact 1-Round Threshold Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption Setup From Public Aggregatable Transcripts Jean-Philippe Bossuat, Christian Mouchet, and Janmajaya Mall
2:50 PM Ciphertext-Simulatable HE from BFV with Randomized Evaluation Intak Hwang, Seonhong Min, and Yongsoo Song
3:15 PM Afternoon Break 🧃
3:45 PM Session IV: Contributed Talks, Invited Talk
3:45 PM Strong IND-CPAD Security for FHE (Essentially) for Free Olivier Bernard, Marc Joye, Nigel Smart, and Michael Walter
4:10 PM Verifiable Computation for Approximate Homomorphic Encryption Schemes Ignacio Cascudo, Anamaria Costache, Daniele Cozzo, Dario Fiore, Antonio Guimarães, and Eduardo Soria-Vazquez
4:35 PM Blind zkSNARKs for Private Proof Delegation and Verifiable Computation over Encrypted Data Mariana Gama, Emad Heydari Beni, Jiayi Kang, Jannik Spiessens, and Frederik Vercauteren
5:00 PM [Invited Talk] FHE: Inside Out Craig Gentry
6:00 PM Closing Remarks
6:15 PM After Party 🍻

Accepted Posters

Poster Title Authors
FINALLY: A Multi-Key FHE Scheme Based on NTRU and LWE Jeongeun Park, Barry van Leeuwen, and Oliver Zajonc
Adaptive Successive Over-Relaxation Method for a Faster Iterative Approximation of Homomorphic Operations Jungho Moon, Zhanibek Omarov, Donghoon Yoo, Yongdae An, and Heewon Chung
Designing a General-Purpose 8-bit (T)FHE Processor Abstraction Daphné Trama, Pierre-Emmanuel Clet, Aymen Boudguiga, Renaud Sirdey, and Nicolas Ye
AES Is Not Enough: Let’s Run Other Block Ciphers Over TFHE Daphné Trama, Aymen Boudguiga, and Renaud Sirdey
Relations Among New CCA Security Notions for Approximate FHE Sébastien Canard, Caroline Fontaine, Duong Hieu Phan, David Pointcheval, Marc Renard, and Renaud Sirdey
Ecosystems, Business Models and Market Demand for PETs: Insights from Homomorphic Encryption and Synthetic Data Nicholas Martin and Frederik M. Metzger
Fast Homomorphic Evaluation of LWR-based PRFs and Application to Transciphering Amit Deo, Marc Joye, Benoit Libert, Benjamin R. Curtis, and Mayeul de Bellabre
On Algebraic Homomorphic Encryption and its Applications to Doubly-Efficient PIR Hiroki Okada, Rachel Player, Simon Pohmann, and Christian Weinert
Extended External Products of Ciphertexts with Automorphisms and Applications Olivier Bernard and Marc Joye
RevoLUT : Rust Efficient Versatile Oblivious Look-Up-Tables Sofiane Azogagh, Aubin Birba, Marc-Olivier Killijian, and Félix Larose-Gervais
Confidential ERC20 Framework using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) Remi Gai, Darren Kong, Deep Gandhi, Kaili Wang, and Jacob Hirshman
Phantom zone library Janmajaya Mall and Jean-Philippe Bossuat
SoK: Fully-homomorphic encryption in smart contracts Daniel Aronoff, Adithya Bhat, Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Mohsen Minaei, Srinivasan Raghuraman, Robert Townsend, and Nicolas Zhang
PowerSoftmax: Towards secure LLM Inference Over FHE Itamar Zimerman, Allon Adir, Ehud Aharoni, Matan Avitan, Moran Baruch, Nir Drucker, Ramy Masalha, Reut Meiri, and Omri Soceanu
DSP Optimized Fully Pipelined NTT Architecture for FHE Applications Emre Kocer, Tolun Tosun, Selim Kırbıyık, Ersin Alaybeyoğlu, and Erkay Savas
A Matter of Correctness: Selecting Optimal BFV Parameters and Preventing Key-Recovery Attacks Beatrice Biasioli and Chiara Marcolla
Fully Homomorphic Encryption from Slot Blind Rotation Technique Seonhong Min and Yongsoo Song
Practical Sanitization for TFHE Intak Hwang, Seonhong Min, and Yongsoo Song
TopGear 2.0: Accelerated Authenticated Matrix Triple Generation with Scalable Prime Fields via Optimized HE Packing Hyunho Cha, Intak Hwang, Seonhong Min, Jinyeong Seo, and Yongsoo Song
Arithmetization for BFV & BGV Circuits Exploiting the Polynomial Ring Jelle Vos, Mauro Conti, and Zekeriya Erkin