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Circuit Privacy for FHEW/TFHE-Style Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Practice

by Kamil Kluczniak - 2023.05.11

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023 Meetup cover


A fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme allows a client to encrypt and delegate its data to a server that performs computation on the encrypted data that the client can then decrypt. While FHE gives confidentiality to clients’ data, it does not protect the server’s input and computation.

We can further extend FHE by a property called circuit privacy, which guarantees that the result of computing on ciphertexts reveals no information on the computed function and the inputs of the server. Unfortunately, despite significant efforts and much work put into the efficiency and practical implementations of FHE schemes, very little has been done to provide useful and practical FHE supporting circuit privacy.

In this talk, Kamil will recall the concept of circuit privacy for FHE and highlight its importance in many use cases.

Furthermore, Kamil will discuss the current state-of-the-art algorithms and implementations for circuit versions of FHEW/TFHE-style FHE schemes.

About the speaker

Kamil Kluczniak is currently a Research Group Leader at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. His work focuses on efficient fully homomorphic encryption schemes. He obtained his Ph.D. in cryptography from the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2016. In 2017 he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2018 he joined the CISPA-Stanford Center, and from 2019-2021 he was a visiting assistant professor at Stanford University.

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