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Homomorphic Polynomial Evaluation using Galois structure and application to BFV bootstrapping

by Simon Pohmann - 2023.10.05

Video recording (Youtube) | Slides (Github) | Join the discussion (Discord)

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In some FHE schemes, the plaintext space decomposes as a product of “plaintext slots”. When these slots have high algebraic rank, we show how one can use Galois automorphisms to compute polynomial evaluations on points in the prime field faster than with standard methods. This situation appears during bootstrapping for BFV/BGV, and we demonstrate how our techniques can increase the performance by implementing the correspondingly modified bootstrapping algorithm.

About the speaker

Simon Pohmann finished his Bachelor in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Passau (Germany) in 2020. In 2022, he then completed the Master program “Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science” at Oxford University. Since then, he is a PhD Student at the Centre for Doctoral Training at Royal Holloway, University of London.

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